Marie Curie Actions - Real Support for Returning Mobility
Marie Curie European Reintegration Grants (ERG)
This action offers the opportunity for experienced researchers from Member States or Associated countries to capitalise on their transnational mobility period after having participated in a Marie-Curie action either under the Seventh or the previous Framework Programme. They must be hosted by an organisation located in a member State or Associated country.
Participating researchers can be of any nationality and at the time of application must have recently benefited from a training and mobility action under the Horizon Europe Programme of at least 18 months full-time equivalent.
Marie Curie International Reintegration Grants (IRG)
This action provides financial support for a period 2 to 4 years, for individual projects presented by experienced researchers in liaison with a legal entity (host organisation) in a Member State or an Associated country. They must be hosted by an organisation located in a member State or Associated country.
Researchers must be nationals of a Member State or Associated country who have been active in research in a third country for at least three years.
Additional Information:
Marie Curie Actions:https://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/node_en
Find a Call:https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/home
"EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion" is the gateway to attractive research careers in Europe and to a pool of world-class research talents. By supporting the mobility of researchers, EURAXESS assists in establishing Europe as an area of excellence in scientific research.
The European Research Area (ERA) provides potentially unprecedented opportunities, not only for researchers looking for advancing their career in another European country, but also for scientific organizations in search of international talents. Be a key player in creating this area of excellence by taking the opportunity to work with the best scholars and access world-class research facilities.
<strong>EURAXESS Jobs </strong> offers one of the most comprehensive Jobs and Fellowships offers databases and search engines in the world. It also includes vacancies within Marie Curie actions and re-publicized job offers from other sources. The powerful and easy to use search engine and alert services allow customizing your search to your career stage, research field, preferable country and other parameters.
The EURAXESS Latvia invites higher education institutions and research centres of Latvia to publish their job vacancies and offers for fellowships for researchers and scholars on EURAXESS Jobs. The easy to use procedure allows distributing your advertisement not only among researchers of the European Research Area countries, but also worldwide. There are two ways to announce your offer:
publish detailed job offer on EURAXESS Jobs;
link your webpage with job or fellowship offer to EURAXESS Jobs.
Your organizations also have the possibility to search for potential employees among the CVs posted on EURAXESS Jobs by researchers, who wish to find new possibilities for their career development.